System Users Implementation

The new OrientDB security system installs a specialized OSecurityShared class, called OSecurityExternal, that supports external authentication of users, meaning that a username can be authenticated outside the realm of a local database. Typically, there is a "chain of authenticators", specified in the security.json configuration file, in the "authentication" section, that will be checked to see if the username can be authenticated. The authenticator for the system users is called OSystemUserAuthenticator.

If authentication is successful, OSecurityExternal.authenticate() then calls Orient.instance().getSecurity().getSystemUser() with the authenticated username and the name of the local database being opened. (Orient.instance().getSecurity() returns an instance of the system security module, ODefaultServerSecurity.) If a system user is found, getSystemUser() returns a derived OUser class instance, called OSystemUser.

Database Open

When a database is opened, the method calls final OUser usr = metadata.getSecurity().authenticate(iUserName, iUserPassword);. If the new security system is enabled, the call to metadata.getSecurity() will return an instance of OSecurityExternal. The OSecurityExternal.authenticate() method calls Orient.instance().getSecurity().authenticate(iUserName, iUserPassword). The method, Orient.instance().getSecurity() returns an instance of ODefaultServerSecurity, and its authenticate() method is where the chain of installed authenticators is called.


OSystemUserAuthenticator implements a method, public String authenticate(final String username, final String password), from the OSecurityAuthenticator interface. This method queries the system database for an OUser record that matches the specified username and, if found, validates the provided password. If successful, the username is returned, otherwise null.


As mentioned previously, when Orient.instance().getSecurity().getSystemUser() is called, if a system user is found, an OSystemUser instance is returned. OSystemUser extends OUser and implements a new constructor, public OSystemUser(final ODocument iSource, final String dbName), as well as a newly overrided method, protected ORole createRole(final ODocument roleDoc).

The "database name" (dbName) parameter in OSystemUser's constructor is used to filter which roles in the system database are associated with a user. A list property, called dbFilter, can be set on an ORole record to assigned the database name. If dbName is null, then only roles without a dbFilter property are associated with the OSystemUser.


In conjunction with OSystemUser is a new class, called OSystemRole, which derives from ORole and adds a new public method, List<String> getDbFilter(). The OSystemUser createRole() method creates and returns OSystemRole instances.

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