How to Get in Touch with OrientDB

We want to make it super-easy for OrientDB users and contributors to talk to us and connect with each other, to share ideas, solve problems and help make OrientDB awesome. Here are the main channels we're running currently, we'd love to hear from you on one of them:


OrientDB GitHub Discussions

The Discussions Group (aka Community Group) is a good first stop for a general inquiry about OrientDB or a specific support issue (e.g. trouble setting OrientDB up). It's also a good forum for discussions about the roadmap or potential new functionality.


StackOverflow OrientDB tag

Feel free to ask your questions on StackOverflow under "orientdb" and "orient-db" tags.



Follow and chat to us on Twitter.


OrientDB issues

If you spot a bug, then please raise an issue in our main GitHub project orientechnologies/orientdb. Likewise if you have developed a cool new feature or improvement in your OrientDB fork, then send us a pull request against the "develop" branch!

If you want to brainstorm a potential new feature, then the OrientDB Discussions Group (see above) is probably a better place to start.